Sunday, November 23, 2008


Fiddling around with the settings on the camera, not quite the results I was hoping for.  I altered the white balance, used the "twilight/cloudy" setting (the sun was setting and it was a gray day), they appear overexposed.  Plus I am still having a hard time with the new lens. 

The stick appears to be in focus but not Sam.  I am having a hard time with this little lens, the kids just don't stay still long enough.  Plus I am so dependent on the image stabilizer on the big lens, maybe that's the problem as I didn't think to lug the tripod along on our walk.  

I altered the parameters and upped the saturation, holy pink sweatshirt!  A bit much as it appears to glow.  I do like what it did to the grass though.  Awful picture!

Sam is so cooperative with pictures.  Always has been, even as a tiny baby he'd put on that cheese face!


julie said...

I have never played with the white balance other than to use Jen's gray scale card and do a custom white balance. Do you have one of those? May want to think about that since now you know how to fool with white balance, just do that and get it perfect every time.

julie said...

also, I hate when the camera focuses on the stick instead of the child. I have many photos like that! My problem is that I focus on the eyes, recompose the photo, and then shoot... in the meantime, the child has moved... argh